Pharmacy Kicks Off Centennial Forum Lecture Series

statue of jesse mercer sitting on a bench

Atlanta — To celebrate 100 years of pharmacy education, Mercer University’s Southern School of Pharmacy is hosting a Centennial Forum Lecture Series, which will feature renowned speakers throughout the year.

The first lecture in the series takes place on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003, at 11:30 a.m., in the Cecil B. Day Auditorium on Mercer’s Cecil B. Day Graduate and Professional Campus in Atlanta. Dr. Peter Kielgast, immediate past-president of the Federation Internationale Pharmaceutique and keynote speaker, will present Pharmaceutical Care: A Global Perspective.

Kielgast has more than 30 years of service in the pharmacy profession, first as an officer in the National Board of Health, Drug Section, and most recently as president of the International Pharmaceutical Federation. He has held numerous leadership positions, including that of secretary, department chair, and director general of the Danish Pharmaceutical Association; and served as vice president, president and member of the Executive Committee of the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union.

A proprietor pharmacist, he has served on the Board of Directors of such companies as Peptech Europe Ltd. And Nomeco Ltd., Copenhagen, and Hafslund Nycomed Ltd., Norway.

Reservations are required for the lecture and luncheon. Please e-mail or call (678) 547-6224 by Jan. 20 to reserve a seat.

The Centennial Forum Lecture Series is presented through the generous support of AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals.

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