Business Professor Selected as Editor of Journal


ATLANTA — Steven Simon, Ph.D., an associate professor of management information systems at Mercer University’s Eugene W. Stetson School of Business and Economics in Atlanta, has been named editor of the Journal of Information Science and Technology.

As editor-in-chief, Simon, a Marietta resident, sets the editorial tone for the journal and reviews each paper as well as selects the associate editor who handles the review process. Each article in the journal is selected through a double blind review.

Journal of Information Science and Technology  is a new publication of The Information Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan information policy research and educational organization based in the United Kingdom. The journal will publish original research and comments about the science of information and the application of technology for the successful management of organizations. The first issue of the quarterly publication will be this spring.

Simon said he is excited about serving as editor of the new journal because it is a relatively innovative concept. “It is a journal for professors, students and practitioners,” he explained. “This means that the views come from both sides. While most journals are only academic, these articles are more real-world and practically-oriented.”

He also believes his new role with the journal will also enhance class discussions. The Mercer professor plans to use the articles and case studies to demonstrate concepts to his students.

Simon joined the faculty of Mercer’s Stetson School of Business and Economics on the Atlanta campus in 2001. He earned his Ph.D. in management information systems/international business from the University of South Carolina in 1994.